Sunday, July 14, 2013

Class of '88 25th Reunion Details

The Olympus High School Class of '88 25th Reunion is almost here. The dates have been set for Aug. 2-3, 2013. Reunion events will span over two days, Friday night and Saturday.

Register Now

Registration fee $10 until July 26th. $15 thereafter.

When: Friday August 2, 2013
Where: Sugarhouse Park (Parley's Creek Pavilion)
Address: 2100 S 1400 E Salt Lake City, Utah (Google Map)
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.

  • Family Fun - NO COST, but bring a side dish to share. Main dish and drinks will be provided. Plenty of room for kids to play while you catch up with OLY friends.

When: Saturday August 3, 2013
Where: Olympus High School
Address: 4055 S 2300 E Holladay, Utah (Google Map)
Time: 7 to 10 p.m.

  • New Olympus High School - 8pm tour of new school. For alumni & guests (guests are encouraged but optional).
  • $10 registration prior to event. Appetizers and desserts provided.
  • After Party at 10 p.m. at Elixir Utah

Register Now


Morgan Memories said...

I just looked at the school picture! I can't wait to run into you guys. What a great time! I couldn't stop laughing at our hair!