How far do you currently live from Olympus High School?
Less than 1 mile 3.8%
Less than 10 miles 30.2%
Less than 100 miles 28.3%
More than 100 miles 1.9%
More than 500 11.3%
More than 2,500 1.9%
Approximately How Far? 22.6%
Other responses:
· 20 miles
· 15 MILES
· 2-3 miles
· I live on 1060 east and 3900 south, but I'm terrible at math, always have been so I have no idea what distance that is.
· 780
· 250 miles
· 1,913 mi
· 20
· Berlin- kilometers or miles?
· 200 yards
· 730
· 1,400
How many times have you been married?
1 91.8%
2 8.2%
3 0.0%
4 0.0%
5 0.0%
6 0.0%
7+ 0.0%
How many children do you have?
1 12.8%
2 29.8%
3 19.1%
4 19.1%
5 19.1%
6 0.0%
7 0.0%
8 0.0%
9+ 0.0%
How would you describe your physical changes from your senior picture?
I have improved 23.5%
I am the same 39.2%
I look different but better 25.5%
Please take me back to 1988 11.8%
When you see your senior picture what is your first thought?
What was I thinking? 34.0%
Where did all that hair go? 16.0%
I looked good! 38.0%
Why didn't I have more dates? 12.0%
If you could go back to high school to earn one award what would it be?
Most likely to succeed 11.4%
Prom Queen or King 6.8%
Titan service award 18.2%
Athletic MVP 6.8%
Valedictorian 13.6%
Class Clown 6.8%
Sterling Scholar 36.4%
What is the most interesting or crazy thing you have done since high school?
1. Hiking the Middle Teton
2. travel
3. I got married and have three children
4. Start a business
5. I did them all in high scholl
6. Recently completed the St. George Marathon and Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon. Crazy since I weigh over 250 lbs.
7. Ditching a guy on a train in Italy while he was asleep.
8. Ride a motorcycle at 138 miles per hour.
9. i haven't done anything crazy, but i have definately had a lot of interesting experiences in the last 20 years. my husband and i are adoptive parents and one of our kids has aspergers syndrome. i am a big advocate of adoption and have been in many jr high and high schools talking about adoption. i am also a big autism awareness advocate.
10. Ride arabian horses around the pyramids in Egypt
11. I tried to barefoot at Lake Powell, but instead did a few face plants.
12. I've hiked to Delicate Arch - without a large intestine!
13. Umm... Next question please.
14. Curly hair??? what and why the perm???
15. I'm not sure the statute of limitations has run out yet, ask agian at the next reunion.
16. Interesting: Hiked the Grand Canyon- Rim to Rim to Rim
17. Wrote a number of bills that were passed into law.
18. I snorkeled by sharks while pregnant. Unfortunately, I couldn't scuba dive.
19. Had group sex!!! Definitely the craziest thing... gotta love Europe!
20. Had two sets of twins!
21. U.S. NAVY
22. Open a restaurant
23. Visited 48 states in 24 months
24. Sea Kayaking in Mexico and lots of River Trips
25. I have worked as a shrimp boat captain.
26. Well, for a crazy thing when I was working at the Deseret Industries and I would wait for the bus to go home, I would yell out things at the people driving like "Whew" or "Hey" or "Easy Rider!!!!!" to motorcyclists. As far as interesting, I guess writing my book on mental illness which took a year and a half to complete. I still need to get it published, but for the most part it's done.
27. Travel to India
28. I got 5 days unpaid leave from my technical support job for the state of Utah for using my state email to write on a blog which we set up temporarily to plan the protest against George Bush when he came to town in 2006.
29. build mt bike trails and FA rock climbs, lots of climbing...lived in NYC for awile
30. I think raising children is pretty crazy and interesting!!! Sounds boring to most, but believe me there is never a dull moment!!!
31. Lived in France
32. Hopping on a bus to go to Boston by myself with almost no money, no place to land, no housing, no connections and only acceptance at Boston University to pull me there.
33. The craziest or stupidest thing I've done since high school, and I did a lot of stupid things, was getting two tatoos done when I was 22 while I was in Tahiti on a family vacation with my parents. I met a Tahitian dancer with tatoos from head to toe and he conveniently was the village tatoo artist. He'd never tatooed a tourist before but he agreed. My younger sister and I stayed up all night at the house of four tahitian dancers getting tattooed all night with a home made tatooing device made from a needle wrapped in string and rigged to the moter of a face shaver. He would dip the needle in the lid from soda bottle full of ink and drag it through my skin. I let him choose the design. I am now nearly 40 with a dark black ink tatoo on my foot and one on my back. I have been planning on having them removed for a while now but keep hoping that the technology will get better. I ended up wearing socks the rest of the vacation to hid my new tatoos from my parents. They couldn't understand why I was wearing socks on the beach of a hot tropical island. To this day I still wish that I would have listened to my mother's words "you'll regret it someday" and she was right. The tahitians even tried to talk me out of it fearing that American society was too conservative. What an experience though. The most interesting thing I've done I guess is that I lived and studied in Japan for nearly 4 years and I'm NOT a returned missionary. I then returned home from Japan and moved to New York City to fullfill my lifelong dream of studying fashion design.
34. I guess it would be never getting married or having children since it was not one of the options to choose from on this survey.
35. Everything, all of it! ;o) I feel like my whole life has been interesting even if some may not think it remarkable.
36. I am afraid that to reveal these things would be too shocking and unsettling for many people and I am not as interested in shocking people as I once was. plus, interesting and crazy are very relative terms. Some might say that the craziest thing was to attend my 20 year reunion.
37. Lived in Dallas, Chicago, Argentina, New York, Los Angeles and Utah
38. Ran a half marathon 6 months after the birth of my first child.
39. Being introduced to my birth mother, birth grandmother and 2 half-brothers, 1 half-sister and my birth father.
40. Spent a week in Paris with Buckley Barlow, Dave Madsen and Ryan Lauser Mon, 8/11/08 11:29 AM
41. I worked at a leather tannery for 3 years; learned how to make leather from animal skins.
42. trip through Guatemala, climbing active volcanoes, camping at ruins, and taking boat rides into dense jungle
43. Peace Corps in South America
44. nothing interesting, but crazy happens every weekend, just can't provide details
45. Lived in San Francisco.
Who are you looking forward to seeing at the 20 year reunion?
1. Friends
2. lots of people!
3. Everyone!!
4. Everyone
5. No one in particular
6. Everyone! Especially fellow swimmers.
7. Everyone
8. I am looking forward to seeing friends that I have not seen in many years.
9. Old friends
10. Everyone!
11. "The Seminary Bunch"
12. The reaction of everybody, who through their abundant "hinting" never gave up hope that one day - I would adopt a two-eyebrow system. Yes, I'm happy to report I have finally done that, and for good too!
13. Leslie Neilson
14. My close friends (they know who they are)
15. Everyone's kids!
16. Everyone.
17. Everyone
18. Lots of people. I have great High School memories.
19. The list is long... everyone really!
20. Tricia Paxton & Edie Woodland
22. everyone
23. Everyone, I can't wait to see the changes
24. No one in particular. Mon, 8/11/08 5:00 PM
25. Old friends like Jeff Angerbauer and people I grew up with like many people from Elementary, Jr. High and High School. There are some people I don't remember, but I'd like to get reacqainted with them if I can.
26. Everyone!
27. Most everyone.
28. old sports teamates,
29. Everyone!!
30. Hoping to see Pam Burt and Brian Davis. I would see Tammis Boam and Jeff Bennion and their families even without the reunion.
31. Everyone. Mostly all of the people that I grew up with since attending Crestview Elementary school right down the street from Olympus High School.
32. Everyone Mon, 8/11/08 12:27 PM
33. Elyse Fineman, Raphael Cordray, Julie Hooper, too many people to name really. I wish more that I wanted to see were coming. I hung out with too many of the anti-social crowd ;o) lol
34. people who I never knew and people who I did, people who have grown up and people who haven't, people who have an interesting character (a relative term)- hopefully a very wide variety- and very different from myself.
35. Everyone
36. Everyone
37. Lesli Neilson
38. Jeremy Strom, Will Osterberg
39. Everybody
40. Eveyone. I am interested to see what we all look like and what we are doing with our lives.
41. people that I don't remember that well
42. Everyone!
43. Jen Ware
44. Everybody
Where was the best place for a date in 1985-1988?
1. Park
2. olympus cove lookout!!!
3. On the lake water skiing and all those great jazz games.
4. The original Iceburg
5. Snow Skiing
6. Uggh. Nowhere. All my dates sucked.
7. The best place for a date in 1985-1988 was at the movie theater. Big Trouble in Little China. Remember that one Ms. B?
8. Leatherby's
9. The mountains.
10. Anywhere with a VCR.
11. Zarahemla Dr... Oooo la la!
12. All the best ones ended with steamed car windows, somewhere above the city (just parking here for the view. . . yea right)
13. Gepettos
14. Sundance outdoor theater
15. with a big group of friends.
16. Anywhere I could afford...which weren't very many places.
17. Cabin in Midway
19. Stein Erickson Lodge
20. Big or Little cottonwood canyon
21. Neilson's Frozen Custard and a Movie
22. Zarahemla
23. Beats me. I was struggling with my illness back then (i.e. depression and OCD) and unfortunately because of this, I was pretty antisocial and withdrawn at the time and pretty much kept to myself. I still struggle, but I am more social now than I used to be which is good. I've only been on 3 dates in my life and they were all post high school.
24. Pizza Factory
25. Millcreek canyon
26. Snowbird tram
27. The 49th Street Galleria
28. Millcreek
29. Did I date?
30. Jaime Chard and I use to always go to this cool new wave restaurant in Trolley Square. I can't remember what it was called.
31. Echo Reservior
32. it depends on the kind of date- some people are more fun in public open places and some are more fun in private hidden places.
33. huh
34. Le Parisien French restaurant
35. Gepetto's Restaurant
36. Anywhere there was a place to make out, lol.
37. Laser Floyd at the planetarium
38. I didn't date in high school :-)
39. Canyon Kegger parties
40. Neilsens Frozen Custard
Who was your favorite teacher?
1. Bechthold and Coach Johnson
2. teachers? what are those? j/k
3. What teacher? I was there for social reasons only.
4. ???
5. Mr. Z
6. Brother Pond (Seminary teacher)
7. Mr. Z
8. Johnny Bench and Mr. Z
9. mr mcmillian and mr felt and mr powell --i know mr powell died this year.
10. Can't remember any of them
11. I can't remember any of their names.
12. Carol Spackman
13. Vern Blackham. Unfortunately, it wasn't until I brought him to the point where he could no longer stand me that I realized what a great guy he was...
14. i don't remember
15. Does it tell you anything if I cannot remember any of the teacher's names ?
16. Felt Tue,
17. Coach Bowman
18. I didn't really have one.
19. The Physics teacher ... what's his name???
20. Ms. Farrell
22. Mr. Felt
23. Ap physics teacher
24. Mrs. Spackman and Mr. Felt
25. Ms. Baskin.
26. Mr. Zoolakis (he rocked!!!!!), Miss Stempky(VanStratt) (resource), Mrs. Wood(french teacher), Mrs. Giaque(family life), and Mr. Shirley(driver's ed).
27. Mrs. Von Schmidt
28. Mr Powell (art) and Mr Miller (math)
29. Ron Hubber & Mrs VonSchmidt
30. Coach Huber
31. Felt
32. Spackman. Definitely.
33. The art teacher Mr. Powell? and my Home Ec. teacher but I can't remember her name.
34. Mr. Powell
35. Mr. Carter
36. Mrs. Baskin - British Lit
37. Mr. Powell
38. Mrs. Spackman, Mr. Felt, Mr. McMillan, Mr. Retti
39. Chuck Miller
40. I didn't have on.
41. Sherry North had a large impact on me when she pressed her recently augmented breasts up against me to show her fitness class how proud she was of her new shape. Thus becoming my new favorite teacher.
42. Reed Thomas
43. Mr. McMillan - history
44. Ms. Spackman and Mr. Felt
45. Carol Von Schmidt (seriously)
46. Chuck Miller
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Olympus Class of 88 Survey Results
Posted by
L. Neilson
Sunday, August 31, 2008
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Thanks for all your hard work. It is sure fun to read!
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